What is "Find It"?

I am encountering blue "Find It" buttons in GALILEO databses and seeing "Find It @ FVSU" in Google Scholar searches. What does this mean and what happens once I click on the Find It" button?


"Find It" is a service that will help you to determine if FVSU Library has access to research materials you need.  You can use Find It @ GALILEO to quickly determine if the library has access to both print and online materials.

"Find It" utilizes a technology called OpenURL linking, which provides quick links from database or in some cases, web citations (i.e. Google Scholar) to the full-text of a journal article to which the library has a subscription, if one is available.

If you are presented with several Online options, compare the availability dates to the citation of the resource you need; in most cases, unless there is an embargo (delay in full-text availability), the online options are generally equal.

If the full-text is not readily available, you can use the FVSU Interlibrary Loan link to request the article via Interlibrary Loan.  The turnaround time for Interlibrary Loan article requests is usually between 3-4 business days, sometimes faster.

  • Last Updated Jan 07, 2019
  • Views 36
  • Answered By Reference Librarian

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